Die 20 Destinationen der IG Tourist Office 3.0 wollten es wissen: Wie müssen wir uns verändern, um zeitgemäss und attraktiv für Gäste und Leistungsträger zu bleiben? Wie sieht das Tourist Office von morgen aus?
The initiator gutundgut brought in business partners (Die Ergonomen, Open Data) and scientific partners (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, Rapperswil University). Together they interviewed top performers and guests, further developed ideas during an innovation workshop and programmed digital prototypes during a hackathon. In between, the IG Tourist Office 3.0 met in various destinations for exchange.
The result is a digital and analog paper which describes ideas for data management, networking, individualization, and emotionalization in the Tourist Office 3.0. Individual ideas will be implemented within the scope of follow-up projects.
Synergies were also discovered and developed here:
Community Center KüsnachtWe also provided fresh impetus for this business:
Gastronomy Schwyz Tourism