Most expect Swiss tourism to offer authentic experiences, impressive nature and diversified events. In reality, this means a constant innovation of products and services. The tourism industry faces various challenges: the fast pace, the comparability through the Internet and the growing tourist demands. In practice, there is often a lack of time for the development of innovative ideas and the exchange of trends. This is where the tourism camp in Switzerland comes in.
The guiding principle is to «develop ideas today that will prosper in the future». Once a year gutundgut brings together decision-makers from throughout Switzerland. In a relaxed atmosphere the participants are able to discuss trends, check the feasibility of new ideas and develop different approaches.
A bar camp is mainly characterized by open workshops. This offers an innovative and dynamic alternative to a conventional meeting. The participants themselves define the content of these so-called sessions. They present their projects and ideas, discuss, demand feedback and receive valuable input from their colleagues.
Another project initiated by us:
Green Marathon ZurichMore innovative solutions here:
Parco San Grato